cards jack

How To Design and Playing Cards (with Print on Demand)


Playing cards have been around for centuries, and they're a popular way to spend time with friends and family. But have you ever considered designing your own set of playing cards? With print-on-demand services, it's easier than ever to create a custom deck of cards and sell them online. In this blog post, we'll go over the steps you can take to design and sell your own playing cards.


Step 1: Choose Your Design Software

Before you start designing your cards, you'll need to choose a design software to work with. Some popular options include Adobe Photoshop and Canva. If you're new to design software, don't worry - there are plenty of online tutorials and courses to help you get started. Additionally, some print-on-demand services offer design templates that you can use to create your deck.


Step 2: Create Your Card Design

Once you've chosen your design software, it's time to start creating your card design. Think about the theme of your deck - will it be a traditional deck of playing cards, or will it have a unique theme, like animals or food? Consider the colors, typography, and imagery you want to use. Make sure your design is eye-catching and cohesive.


Step 3: Choose Your Print-on-Demand Service

Once you've created your card design, it's time to choose a print-on-demand service. There are many options out there, so do your research to find one that fits your needs. Some popular print-on-demand services for playing cards include MakePlayingCards and M.i.A Merchandise.

When choosing a print-on-demand service, consider the following factors:

  • Cost: How much does the service charge per deck? Are there any additional fees?
  • Quality: What is the quality of the cards? Do they use high-quality paper and ink?
  • Customization options: How much can you customize your deck? Can you add a custom box, booklet, or other extras?
  • Shipping: What are the shipping costs and times? Can you offer expedited shipping to customers?

Step 4: Upload Your Design and Order a Sample

Once you've chosen your print-on-demand service, it's time to upload your card design and order a sample. This will allow you to see the quality of the cards and make any necessary adjustments before you start selling your deck.

When ordering a sample, pay attention to the following:

  • Quality: Are the cards printed clearly and crisply? Are the colors accurate?
  • Feel: How do the cards feel in your hand? Are they sturdy and easy to shuffle?
  • Extras: If you added any extras, like a custom box or booklet, are they included and high-quality?

Step 5: Set Up Your Online Store

Once you've approved your sample, it's time to set up your online store. You can use a platform like Etsy or Shopify, or you can create your own website. Make sure your store showcases your deck and highlights its unique features. Consider including professional photographs of your cards, along with a description of your design and any extras you've included.

When setting up your online store, consider the following:

  • Pricing: How much will you charge for your deck? Consider the cost of materials, printing, and any extras you've included, as well as your desired profit margin.
  • Shipping: How much will you charge for shipping? Will you offer different shipping options, like expedited shipping or international shipping?
  • Marketing: How will you promote your deck? Will you use social media, email marketing, or paid advertising? Consider reaching out to influencers in your niche who might be interested in promoting your deck.

Step 6: Start Selling!

Once your online store is set up, it's time to start selling your custom playing cards. Keep in mind that it may take some time to gain traction and start making sales. Don't be discouraged if you don't see immediate results - focus on marketing your deck and engaging with potential customers.

When fulfilling orders, make sure you communicate clearly with your customers and provide excellent customer service. Consider adding a personalized note or small gift with each order to make your customers feel appreciated.


Step 7: Monitor Your Sales and Adjust Your Strategy

As you start making sales, it's important to monitor your performance and adjust your strategy accordingly. Keep track of which marketing channels are bringing in the most sales, and consider tweaking your pricing, shipping, or marketing strategy if necessary.

You can also consider creating additional decks or expanding your product line to attract new customers. Don't be afraid to experiment and try new things!



Designing and selling your own playing cards is a fun and creative way to express yourself and make some extra money. With print-on-demand services, it's easier than ever to create a custom deck of cards and sell them online. Just remember to choose a high-quality print-on-demand service, showcase your deck on a well-designed online store, and market your deck effectively to potential customers. Good luck and happy designing!

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